2 March 2013


2 March 2013

RP continues to expand, with the help of seaweed tea and a top-secret fertiliser….he is slowly beginning to get the characteristic ridges of a well-bred pumpkin. With the finish line still four weeks away, RP is, hopefully, saving something for the final surge to the line (fingers crossed that it includes a colour change, as he is still looking a bit pale).

Mid February 2013


Mid February 2013

RP continues to grow….as he has little else to do, this is reassuring. The bottle is a Boundary Road Chocolate Porter, in case anyone is sad enough to ask!

When watering RP yesterday, I noticed that the vine feeding water to him has split…need to check it again today, to see if some first aid is required. If not first aid, perhaps some fencing around him, with floodlights and patrolling Dobermans….he may be trying to break free.

New growth, hurrah!


RP’s move to the sunny side of the street seems to have worked, so far.  He has developed a new leaf, and more are making their way out.  179ers should not despair at his ‘steady’ rate of growth, as all of the major activity is going on underground….RP is being fed a fertiliser designed to help him establish a strong root system, which will stand him in good stead in the coming months.

The high chicken wire has been removed, after a call from Sting and Amnesty International, and RP is now encircled by only the green mesh…this development also follows us rounding up the escaping five brown shavers and clipping their fight feathers, thereby restricting them to their measly 1/4 acre paddock…we await a call from the Poultry Protection Society at any time, accusing us of similarly unjustifiable incarceration.

Until that time, the sun is shining and we’re all expecting RP to soak up the rays and do what he was put on this earth for!  Onward to glory….