Hello world!

Hello all

This blog is going to record the, hopefully, long-lasting and phenomenal growth of ‘RP’ – an Atlantic Giant pumpkin seedling.

My wife and I decided to try to grow approximately 40 such seedlings, with the intention of selling them to colleagues and friends, to raise money for a Children’s Home in Christchurch.   Unfortunately, only three seedlings emerged….one of which is RP.

As a bit of daft, we decided at work to allocate one seedling to each of the three offices and see how big we could grow them.  The pumpkins will be judged at the end of March 2013.  The winning team gets bragging rights for the year, and if we can think of some way of raising money from the pumpkins, we will do so.

RP is living in a great spot, on a small lifestyle block in rural NZ.  His two siblings, and now competition, are living with two other carers.

This is going to be RP’s story, with all the good and bad bits…..I’m not holding my breath for a movie contract, but once the fuss about The Hobbit subsides, Peter Jackson may come knocking.